Insurance for Listed Buildings

Insuring a Listed Building

Insuring a Listed Building is a little more difficult than insuring an Old House, or Period Property. Any difference in insurance cost is based on the fact that a Listed Building may actually cost more to repair than an old house.  Any work undertaken will almost certainly have to be done using specific materials, and skilled labour which may cost more than normal.  

It is possible that unauthorised works have taken place over the years, and at some stage, you may be called to account for this.  The new owner of a Listed Building inherits responsibility for any changes not authorised, and you should ask your insurer about Indemnity Insurance which covers you in case your Conservation Officer requires you to make good unauthorised works. Our Building Survey will help with this - John, Richard and Peter are all expert at picking possible illegal works to Listed Buildings - for example the installation of double glazing or plastic windows.  

Bear in mind that insurance may be affected if you are in a Conservation Area - although the house is not listed, you are still bound by similar regulations about what you can, and cannot do to the building, especially where changes to the outside are concerned.  For example, you cannot take out old windows and replace with plastic windows, without Consent.  You cannot install solar panels on your roof without Conservation Area Consent.  Your insurer needs to know whether the house is situated in a Conservation Area.  


Cover for Reinstatement cost:

You should make sure cover allows for the use of appropriate materials if the property is listed.  English Heritage point out that rebuild costs are often greater if Listed properties are damaged, and you are legally required to repair or replace 'As Was', in Like for Like condition. If more than 40% of the building has survived, it is likely, according to English Heritage, that this will be the case.  Rebuild Costs vary enormously.  A brick built structure, with owner builder supervision can be as low as £900 per square metre, but a burned out thatched cottage could cost upwards of £2500 per square metre.  It is important to make sure your building is properly covered, otherwise you may well be penalised if an insurance claim is made and you are found to be under insured.  We can help with estimating rebuild costs as part of our Building Survey if needed.

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